題目清單 11000 - 11999

110 - Volume CX
題號 標題 難度 參考解題方向 備註
11000 Bee 2.0 DP, Fibonacci number lucky 貓
11001 Necklace lucky 貓
11002 Towards Zero
11003 Boxes 2.5 DP, LIS (Like UVa 10154) lucky 貓
11004 Changing Roadmap
11005 Cheapest Base 1.5 Base conversion, Ad hoc, Min max lucky 貓
11006 Wheel Good
11007 Mini Cube
11008 Antimatter Ray Clearcutting
11009 Geometry Once Again
11010 Tic-Tac-Tough
11011 Numerical Methods! A Satire
11012 Cosmic Cabbages lucky 貓
11013 Get Straight
11014 Make a Crystal
11015 05-2 Rendezvous lucky 貓
11016 Square Counting
11017 A Greener World
11018 Mars Buggy
11019 Matrix Matcher
11020 Efficient Solutions
11021 Tribles
11022 String Factoring
11023 Multisets and Sequences lucky 貓
11024 Circular Lock
11025 Mr. And Mrs. Hamilton
11026 A Grouping Problem
11027 Palindromic Permutation
11028 Sum of Product
11029 Leading and Trailing lucky 貓
11030 Predator II
11031 Looking for a Subset
11032 Function Overloading 2.0 Brute force, Preprocessing
11033 Help my Brother lucky 貓
11034 Ferry Loading IV
11035 Card Hands
11036 Eventually Periodic Sequence
11037 Point of View in Flatland
11038 How Many O's? lucky 貓
11039 Building designing lucky 貓
11040 Add bricks in the wall
11041 Quarter-Finals with Brazil!? No!!!
11042 Complex, difficult and complicated
11043 Fast and Easy Data Compressor
11044 Searching for Nessy 1.0 Ad hoc, Math ruby 兔
11045 My T-shirt suits me lucky 貓
11046 Numbers and operations
11047 The Scrooge Co Problem
11048 Automatic Correction of Misspellings
11049 Basic wall maze
11050 Construct the wall maze
11051 Dihedral groups
11052 Economic phone calls
11053 Flavius Josephus Reloaded
11054 Wine trading in Gergovia
11055 Homogeneous squares ruby 兔
11056 Formula 1
11057 Exact Sum
11058 Encoding
11059 Maximum Product lucky 貓
11060 Beverages
11061 Playing War
11062 Andy's Second Dictionary
11063 B2-Sequence 1.5 Ad hoc
11064 Number Theory
11065 A Gentlemen's Agreement
11066 Aragorn
11067 Little Red Riding Hood
11068 An Easy Task
11069 A Graph Problem 2.0 DP, Linear DP lucky 貓
11070 The Good Old Times lucky 貓
11071 Permutation Representation
11072 Points
11073 Euler's Totient Function
11074 Draw Grid
11075 Collage
11076 Add Again
11077 Find the Permutations
11078 Open Credit System
11079 What's the Time?
11080 Place the Guards
11081 Strings 3.0 DP, String DP, Modular arithmatic lucky 貓
11082 Matrix Decompressing
11083 Zeroes Revisited
11084 Anagram Division lucky 貓
11085 Back to the 8-Queens lucky 貓
11086 Composite Prime
11087 Divisibility Testing
11088 End up with More Teams
11089 Fi-binary Number
11090 Going in Cycle!!
11091 How many Knight Placing? lucky 貓
11092 IIUC HexWorld
11093 Just Finish it up
11094 Continents
11095 Tabriz City
11096 Nails
11097 Poor My Problem! :-(
11098 Battle II
11099 Next Same-Factored
111 - Volume CXI
題號 標題 難度 參考解題方向 備註
11100 The Trip, 2007
11101 Mall Mania
11102 Moonshine
11103 WFF 'N PROOF
11104 Cousins
11105 Semi-prime H-numbers
11106 Rectilinear Polygon
11107 Life Forms
11108 Tautology
11109 Rinse
11110 Equidivisions
11111 Generalized Matrioshkas
11112 Babylonian Roulette
11113 Continuous Fractions
11114 Polygon Encoder
11115 Uncle Jack ruby 兔
11116 Babel Towers
11117 Little Quilt
11118 Prisoners, Boxes and Pieces of Paper
11119 Chemical Attraction
11120 Very Funny Mr. Feynman
11121 Base -2 lucky 貓
11122 Tri Tri
11123 Counting Trapizoid
11124 Troubles for Modern Days Problemsetters
11125 Arrange Some Marbles
11126 Relaxed Golf
11127 Triple-Free Binary Strings lucky 貓
11128 Faulty Computer
11129 An antiarithmetic permutation lucky 貓
11130 Billiard bounces
11131 Close Relatives
11132 Dice from pennies
11133 Eigensequence
11134 Fabled Rooks
11135 Gopher that walks and swims
11136 Hoax or what
11137 Ingenuous Cubrency 2.5 DP, Coin change ruby 兔
11138 Nuts and Bolts lucky 貓
11139 Counting Quadrilaterals
11140 Little Ali's Little Brother!
11141 Sugar Cubes
11142 MineSweeper II
11143 Subtitles
11144 S.O.S.
11145 AvreniM
11146 Insurrection
11147 KuPellaKeS BST
11148 Moliu Fractions
11149 Power of Matrix
11150 Cola 1.0 Ad hoc, Math, Cola lucky 貓
11151 Longest Palindrome 2.5 DP, LCS, Palindrome ruby 兔
11152 Colourful Flowers ruby 兔
11153 Museums
11154 An Octal World
11155 Be Efficient
11156 Continuous Drawing
11157 Dynamic Frog
11158 Elegant Permuted Sum
11159 Factors and Multiples
11160 Going Together
11161 Help My Brother (II)
11162 Independent Attacking Zones
11163 Jaguar King
11164 Kindgom Division
11165 Galactic Travel
11166 Power Signs
11167 Monkeys in the Emei Mountain
11168 Airport
11169 Deal or No Deal
11170 Cos(NA)
11171 SMS
11172 Relational Operator 1.0 Ad hoc, Comparison operation lucky 貓
11173 Grey Codes
11174 Stand in a Line
11175 From D to E and Back
11176 Winning Streak
11177 Fighting Against a Polygonal Monster
11178 Morley's Theorem
11179 Bit Stream
11180 Base i-1
11181 Probability|Given
11182 Zeroes III
11183 Teen Girl Squad lucky 貓
11184 Joyful Ride
11185 Ternary 1.5 Base conversion, Ad hoc lucky 貓
11186 Circum Triangle
11187 Water Crisis lucky 貓
11188 A Strange Opera House
11189 A Simple Pendulum
11190 Series of Powers
11191 Square
11192 Group Reverse 1.0 Ad hoc, String, Reverse ruby 兔
11193 Infinix
11194 Stone Grid
11195 Another n-Queen Problem lucky 貓
11196 Birthday Cake
11197 Counting RNA sequences
11198 Dancing Digits lucky 貓
11199 Equations in Disguise
112 - Volume CXII
題號 標題 難度 參考解題方向 備註
11200 Sapitaur's labyrinth
11201 The problem of the crazy linguist
11202 The least possible effort ruby 兔
11203 Can you decide it for ME?
11204 Musical instruments lucky 貓
11205 The broken pedometer
11206 Coloring the map, but not anyhow
11207 The easiest way ruby 兔
11208 Airplane Scheduling
11209 Be Together Again and Forever
11210 Chinese Mahjong lucky 貓
11211 Digital Logic
11212 Editing a Book
11213 Flipull
11214 Guarding the Chessboard
11215 How Many Numbers?
11216 Irrigation
11217 Jewel Magnetizer
11218 KTV ruby 兔
11219 How old are you? 1.5 Ad hoc, Date problem lucky 貓
11220 Decoding the message. ruby 兔
11221 Magic square palindromes. ruby 兔
11222 Only I did it! ruby 兔
11223 O: dah dah dah! lucky 貓
11224 Let's swim!
11225 Tarot scores.
11226 Reaching the fix-point. ruby 兔
11227 The silver bullet. ruby 兔
11228 Transportation system.
11229 Improved tic-tac-toe.
11230 Annoying painting tool
11231 Black and white painting ruby 兔
11232 Cylinder
11233 Deli Deli 1.5 Ad hoc, String, Dictionary lucky 貓
11234 Expressions
11235 Frequent values lucky 貓
11236 Grocery store ruby 兔
11237 Halloween treats lucky 貓
11238 Innoumerous bowling games
11239 Open Source ruby 兔
11240 Antimonotonicity ruby 兔
11241 Humidex
11242 Tour de France
11243 Texas Trip
11244 Counting Stars ruby 兔
11245 Anti-Arithmetic-Sequence
11246 K-Multiple Free set ruby 兔
11247 Income Tax lucky 貓
11248 Frequency Hopping
11249 Game
11250 Working with Small Numbers
11251 Fractions
11252 Take Me Home (To the Place I Belong)
11253 Fractal
11254 Consecutive Integers lucky 貓
11255 Necklace
11256 Repetitive Multiple
11257 New Marketing Plan
11258 String Partition ruby 兔
11259 Coin Changing Again
11260 Odd Root Sum
11261 Bishops
11262 Weird Fence
11263 Nested Rectangles
11264 Coin Collector ruby 兔
11265 The Sultan's Problem
11266 Equations
11267 The Hire-a-Coder Business Model
11268 Reliable Network
11269 Setting Problems
11270 Tiling Dominoes
11271 Lattice of Resistors
11272 Summing the Lengths of the Longest Increasing Subsequence of Permutations
11273 Warping N Dimensional Space
11274 Infinite Resistor Network
11275 3D Triangles
11276 Magical Seven
11277 Cyclic Polygons
11278 One-Handed Typist
11279 Keyboard Comparison
11280 Flying to Fredericton
11281 Triangular Pegs in Round Holes
11282 Mixing Invitations
11283 Playing Boggle
11284 Shopping Trip
11285 Exchange Rates
11286 Conformity lucky 貓
11287 Pseudoprime Numbers ruby 兔
11288 Carpool
11289 Friend or Foe?
11290 Gangs
11291 Smeech
11292 Dragon of Loowater
11293 Tournament
11294 Wedding
11295 Anti Monotonicity Revisited
11296 Counting Solutions to an Integral Equation lucky 貓
11297 Census
11298 Dissecting a Hexagon
11299 Separating Rods
113 - Volume CXIII
題號 標題 難度 參考解題方向 備註
11300 Spreading the Wealth lucky 貓
11301 Great Wall of China
11302 Hexadecimal Digits of an Integral
11303 Permutations
11304 Difussing Nuclear Bombs on Planet X
11305 Chess on Planet X
11306 Optimal Marriage on Planet X
11307 Alternative Arborescence
11308 Bankrupt Baker
11309 Counting Chaos lucky 貓
11310 Delivery Debacle 2.0 DP, Linear DP lucky 貓
11311 Exclusively Edible
11312 Flipping Frustration
11313 Gourmet Games 1.0 Cola, Simulation, Ad hoc
11314 Hardly Hard
11315 Attacker
11316 Prime Frog
11317 GCD+LCM
11318 Marble Game
11319 Stupid Sequence
11320 Hidden Triangles
11321 Sort! Sort!! and Sort!!! ruby 兔
11322 Romeo and Juliet
11323 Satisfying Constraints
11324 The Largest Clique
11325 This Means War!
11326 Laser Pointer
11327 Enumerating Rational Numbers
11328 Drawing Straws at the Office
11329 Curious Fleas
11330 Andy's Shoes
11331 The Joys of Farming
11332 Summing Digits lucky 貓
11333 Alphametics
11334 Antenna in the Cinoc Mountains
11335 Discrete Pursuit
11336 DRM
11337 Greatest Hits!
11338 Minefield
11339 Sonnet Rhyme Verifier
11340 Newspaper ruby 兔
11341 Term Strategy
11342 Three-square 1.0 Brute force
11343 Isolated Segments
11344 The Huge One
11345 Rectangles
11346 Probability
11347 Multifactorials
11348 Exhibition
11349 Symmetric Matrix
11350 Stern-Brocot Tree
11351 Last Man Standing lucky 貓
11352 Crazy King lucky 貓
11353 A Different Kind of Sorting
11354 Bond
11355 Cool Points
11356 Dates lucky 貓
11357 Ensuring Truth
11358 Faster Processing Feasibility
11359 Guards, Imbecile Guards
11360 Have Fun with Matrices lucky 貓
11361 Investigating Div-Sum Property
11362 Phone List
11363 Cuckoo Hashing
11364 Parking lucky 貓
11365 Copying DNA
11366 Circle of Debt
11367 Full Tank?
11368 Nested Dolls
11369 Shopaholic lucky 貓
11370 Moogle
11371 Number Theory for Newbies lucky 貓
11372 Arranging a Contest
11373 Happy Birthday
11374 Airport Express
11375 Matches
11376 Tilt!
11377 Airport Setup
11378 Bey Battle
11379 Chichi's Home Work
11380 Down Went The Titanic
11381 Elegant Strings
11382 Fear of The Dark
11383 Golden Tiger Claw
11384 Help is needed for Dexter lucky 貓
11385 Da Vinci Code ruby 兔
11386 Triples
11387 The 3-Regular Graph
11388 GCD LCM ruby 兔
11389 The Bus Driver Problem
11390 The Sultan's Feast
11391 Blobs in the Board
11392 Binary*3 Type Multiple
11393 Tri-Isomorphism
11394 Digit Blocks
11395 Sigma Function
11396 Claw Decomposition
11397 Reconstructing Binary Forests
11398 The Base-1 Number System lucky 貓
11399 What be thy Name, O Dear Tree?
114 - Volume CXIV
題號 標題 難度 參考解題方向 備註
11400 Lighting System Design
11401 Triangle Counting lucky 貓
11402 Ahoy, Pirates!
11403 Binary Multiplication
11404 Palindromic Subsequence
11405 Can U Win?
11406 Best Trap
11407 Squares lucky 貓
11408 Count DePrimes
11409 Ball Passing
11410 LAEncoding
11411 MiniMice
11412 Dig the Holes
11413 Fill the Containers
11414 Dream
11415 Count the Factorials
11416 Excel Evaluation
11417 GCD ruby 兔
11418 Clever Naming Patterns 3.0 Graph theory, Maximum cardinality bipartite matching
11419 SAM I AM
11420 Chest of Drawers
11421 Arranging Cards
11422 Escaping from Fractal Bacterium
11423 Cache Simulator
11424 GCD - Extreme
11425 Collecting Luggage EXTREME!!!
11426 GCD - Extreme (II)
11427 Expect the Expected
11428 Cubes lucky 貓
11429 Randomness
11430 ETS Problem setting
11431 Partitioning a Number
11432 Busy Programmer
11433 The Dicey Dice
11434 Careless Postman Problem
11435 Network EXTREME!!!
11436 Cubes - EXTREME!!! lucky 貓
11437 Triangle Fun
11438 Integer Transmission EXTREME
11439 Maximizing the ICPC
11440 Help Tomisu
11441 Encoding/Decoding
11442 Linear Diophantine Tidbits
11443 Tree in a Grid
11444 Sum
11445 Water Tanks EXTREME
11446 Where is the 'back' button?
11447 Reservoir logs
11448 Who said crisis?
11449 Go Alonso go!
11450 Wedding shopping lucky 貓
11451 Water restrictions
11452 Dancing the Cheeky-Cheeky
11453 Traveling fishmonger
11454 Very well informed domino player
11455 Behold my quadrangle ruby 兔
11456 Trainsorting 2.5 DP, LIS, LDS lucky 貓
11457 Classified
11458 Hot Spot
11459 Snakes and Ladders
11460 Balance
11461 Square Numbers ruby 兔
11462 Age Sort lucky 貓
11463 Commandos
11464 Even Parity lucky 貓
11465 Count the Polygons
11466 Largest Prime Divisor
11467 Pythagorean Triangles
11468 Substring
11469 Treasure Hunt
11470 Square Sums ruby 兔
11471 Arrange the Tiles
11472 Beautiful Numbers
11473 Campus Roads
11474 Dying Tree
11475 Extend to Palindrome
11476 Factorizing Larget Integers
11477 Game of Rectangles
11478 Halum
11479 Is this the easiest problem? lucky 貓
11480 Jimmy's Balls lucky 貓
11481 Arrange the Numbers
11482 Building a Triangular Museum
11483 Code Creator
11484 Document Object Model
11485 Extreme Discrete Summation
11486 Finding Paths in Grid
11487 Gathering Food
11488 Hyper Prefix Sets
11489 Integer Game
11490 Just Another Problem
11491 Erasing and Winning lucky 貓
11492 Babel
11493 The Club Ballroom
11494 Queen lucky 貓
11495 Bubbles and Buckets
11496 Musical Loop
11497 Set
11498 Division of Nlogonia lucky 貓
11499 Longest Increasing Sequence
115 - Volume CXV
題號 標題 難度 參考解題方向 備註
11500 Vampires ruby 兔
11501 Laurel Creek
11502 Rocket Stages
11503 Virtual Friends lucky 貓
11504 Dominos 2.5 Strongly-connected-component, SCC, Connectivity, Stack ruby 兔
11505 Logo ruby 兔
11506 Angry Programmer
11507 Bender B. Rodr guez Problem ruby 兔
11508 Life on Mars? ruby 兔
11509 Touring Robot
11510 Erd s Unit Fractions
11511 Frieze Patterns
11512 GATTACA ruby 兔
11513 9 Puzzle ruby 兔
11514 Batman
11515 Cranes ruby 兔
11516 WiFi ruby 兔
11517 Exact Change 2.5 DP, Coin change ruby 兔
11518 Dominos 2 2.0 DFS ruby 兔
11519 Logo 2 ruby 兔
11520 Fill the Square ruby 兔
11521 Compressor
11522 Pyramid Number
11523 Recycling
11524 InCircle lucky 貓
11525 Permutation 1.5 Ad hoc, STL vector, Permutation ruby 兔
11526 H(n) lucky 貓
11527 Morning Walk
11528 Switch Grid
11529 Strange Tax Calculation
11530 SMS Typing ruby 兔
11531 Solve the Broken Maze
11532 Simple Adjacency Maximization ruby 兔
11533 Special Number
11534 Say Goodbye to Tic-Tac-Toe
11535 Set of Marbles
11536 Smallest Sub-Array ruby 兔
11537 Secret Problemsetters' Union
11538 Chess Queen ruby 兔
11539 Another Word Game
11540 Sultan's Chandelier
11541 Decoding lucky 貓
11542 Square
11543 Two Points And Curious MumboJumbo
11544 Recruiter's Problem
11545 Avoiding Jungle in the Dark ruby 兔
11546 Olympic Swimming
11547 Automatic Answer ruby 兔
11548 Blackboard Bonanza
11549 Calculator Conundrum ruby 兔
11550 Demanding Dilemma ruby 兔
11551 Experienced Endeavour
11552 Fewest Flops
11553 Grid Game 1.5 Brute force, Game theory ruby 兔
11554 Hapless Hedonism ruby 兔
11555 Aspen Avenue
11556 Best Compression Ever
11557 Code Theft
11558 Dinner
11559 Event Planning ruby 兔
11560 Fixing the Bugs
11561 Getting Gold 2.0 DFS, 2D map ruby 兔
11562 Hard Evidence
11563 Introspective Caching
11564 Just A Few More Triangles!
11565 Simple Equations lucky 貓
11566 Let's Yum Cha!
11567 Moliu Number Generator ruby 兔
11568 Pincer Attack!!
11569 Lovely Hint ruby 兔
11570 Sudoku without numbers?
11571 Simple Equations - Extreme!! ruby 兔
11572 Unique Snowflakes ruby 兔
11573 Ocean Currents
11574 Colliding Traffic
11575 Zerg Rush!!!
11576 Scrolling Sign ruby 兔
11577 Letter Frequency lucky 貓
11578 Situp Benches
11579 Triangle Trouble lucky 貓
11580 Finding the Transmitter
11581 Grid Successors
11582 Colossal Fibonacci Numbers! lucky 貓
11583 Alien DNA
11584 Partitioning by Palindromes 2.5 DP, LIS, Palindrome ruby 兔
11585 Nurikabe
11586 Train Tracks 1.0 Ad-hoc ruby 兔
11587 Brick Game
11588 Image Coding ruby 兔
11589 Save the President
11590 Prefix Lookup
11591 Bulb Inside a Grid
11592 Bulb inside a Grid (II)
11593 Fractions
11594 All Pairs Maximum Flow
11595 Crossing Streets EXTREME
11596 Convex Orthogonal Polygon
11597 Spanning Subtree ruby 兔
11598 Optimal Segments
11599 Triangle and Polynomial
116 - Volume CXVI
題號 標題 難度 參考解題方向 備註
11600 Masud Rana
11601 Avoiding Overlaps
11602 SMS for Blind
11603 Its all about the Bandwidth
11604 General Sultan
11605 Lights inside a 3d Grid
11606 Atoms
11607 Cutting Cakes
11608 No Problem ruby 兔
11609 Teams
11610 Reverse Prime
11611 Colored Tiles
11612 Sultan and Khairun Shundori
11613 Acme Corporation
11614 Etruscan Warriors Never Play Chess lucky 貓
11615 Family Tree
11616 Roman Numerals 1.5 String manipulation, Roman number lucky 貓
11617 An Odd Love
11618 The Amazing Triangle Counting Machine
11619 SPAM! (or not)
11620 City of Egocentrics
11621 Small Factors ruby 兔
11622 Le Compte est Bon
11623 Tic Tac Toe
11624 Fire!
11625 Nice Prefixes
11626 Convex Hull
11627 Slalom
11628 Another lottery ruby 兔
11629 Ballot evaluation ruby 兔
11630 Cyclic antimonotonic permutations
11631 Dark roads 2.5 MST, Minimum spanning tree ruby 兔
11632 Elias gamma coding
11633 Food portion sizes
11634 Generate random numbers ruby 兔
11635 Hotel booking
11636 Hello World! ruby 兔
11637 Garbage Remembering Exam
11638 Temperature Monitoring
11639 Guard the Land ruby 兔
11640 Mayor Election
11641 Looking for a New Place
11642 Bangladesh Premier League
11643 Knight Tour
11644 Pyragrid
11645 Bits
11646 Athletics Track
11647 Judgment Day
11648 Divide The Land
11649 Home! Sweet Home!
11650 Mirror Clock ruby 兔
11651 Krypton Number System
11652 Power Faster
11653 Stick Makes Gold
11654 Arithmetic Subsequence
11655 Waterland
11656 Message in the Enemy Territory
11657 Rational Billiard
11658 Best Coalitions
11659 Informants
11660 Look-and-Say sequences
11661 Burger Time? lucky 貓
11662 Triangular Grid
11663 GrayInc
11664 Langton's Ant
11665 Chinese Ink
11666 Logarithms
11667 Income Tax Hazard II
11668 How Many Teams
11669 Non Decreasing Prime Sequence
11670 Physics Experiment
11671 Sign of Matrix
11672 Dynamic Summation
11673 Enemy at the Gateway
11674 In-Ellipse
11675 Happy Friends
11676 Deadly Attack
11677 Alarm Clock ruby 兔
11678 Cards' Exchange
11679 Sub-prime
11680 Dragster
11681 Tower for Cellular Telephony
11682 Shift Register
11683 Laser Sculpture
11684 MC part deux
11685 Moveable maze
11686 Pick up sticks
11687 Digits lucky 貓
11688 Rotate to root
11689 Soda Surpler 1.0 Ad-hoc, Cola lucky 貓
11690 Money Matters
11691 Allergy Test
11692 Rain Fall
11693 Speedy Escape
11694 Gokigen Naname
11695 Flight Planning
11696 Beacons
11697 Playfair Cipher
11698 Code Permutations
11699 Rooks
117 - Volume CXVII
題號 標題 難度 參考解題方向 備註
11700 Pipes
11701 Cantor
11702 Meltdown
11703 sqrt log sin ruby 兔
11704 Caper pizza
11705 Grasshopper
11706 Party Night
11707 Pachinko
11708 Lexicographical ranking
11709 Trust groups 2.5 Strongly connected component, SCC, Connnectivity
11710 Expensive subway
11711 Turing
11712 Gnirut
11713 Abstract Names 1.5 Ad hoc, String manipulation ruby 兔
11714 Blind Sorting lucky 貓
11715 Car ruby 兔
11716 Digital Fortress ruby 兔
11717 Energy Saving Microcontroller
11718 Fantasy of a Summation
11719 Gridland Airports
11720 How Many Ways
11721 Instant View of Big Bang
11722 Joining with Friend
11723 Numbering Roads ruby 兔
11724 Evaluate the Expression
11725 Colorful Board
11726 Crime Scene
11727 Cost Cutting ruby 兔
11728 Alternate Task lucky 貓
11729 Commando War
11730 Number Transformation lucky 貓
11731 Ex-circles
11732 strcmp() Anyone?
11733 Airports
11734 Big Number of Teams will Solve This ruby 兔
11735 Corner the Queens
11736 Debugging RAM
11737 Extreme Primitive Society
11738 Few Teams will Solve this
11739 Giving Candies
11740 How Dark Can it Be?
11741 Ignore the Blocks
11742 Social Constraints
11743 Credit Check lucky 貓
11744 Parallel Carry Adder
11745 Slitherlin
11746 Finding the Transmitter Again
11747 Heavy Cycle Edges
11748 Rigging Elections
11749 Poor Trade Advisor
11750 Red-Blue Tree
11751 Installing Diagnostic Software
11752 The Super Powers
11753 Creating Palindrome
11754 Code Feat
11755 Table Tennis
11756 Bounded by Lines
11757 Winger Trial
11758 Left Right
11759 IBM Fencing
11760 Brother Arif, Please feed us!
11761 Super Heronian Triangle
11762 Race to 1
11763 Hats Off
11764 Jumping Mario 1.0 Ad hoc, Loop lucky 貓
11765 Component Placement
11766 Racing Car Computer
11767 World of Knots
11768 Lattice Point or Not
11769 All Souls Night
11770 Lighting Away 2.5 Strongly connected component, SCC, Connnectivity
11771 Dhaka Bots
11772 A Bee Love Story
11773 King's Wish
11774 Doom's Day
11775 Unique Story
11776 Oh Your Royal Greediness!
11777 Automate the Grades ruby 兔
11778 Graph Coloring in HSL
11779 Lost File
11780 Miles 2 Km
11781 Books
11782 Optimal Cut
11783 Nails
11784 Escape
11785 Hypercube
11786 Global Raining at Bididibus
11787 Numeral Hieroglyphs
11788 The League Will Be Decided Tomorrow!
11789 Texas Hold'em Poker Solitaire
11790 Murcia's Skyline
11791 Looking for a Good Plot
11792 Krochanska is Here!
11793 Electoral Districts
11794 Dazzling Puzzle
11795 Mega Man's Mission
11796 Dog Distance
11797 Drutojan Express
11798 Colorful Board 2
11799 Horror Dash ruby 兔
118 - Volume CXVIII
題號 標題 難度 參考解題方向 備註
11800 Determine the Shape
11801 A Problemsetter Blind with Emotion
11802 All Your Bases Belong to Us
11803 The Great Merger
11804 Argentina ruby 兔
11805 Bafana Bafana ruby 兔
11806 Cheerleaders
11807 Dumb Eucelics' Pyramid Walk
11808 Ensuring Victory
11809 Floating-Point Numbers
11810 Gentle ping, to the old King ruby 兔
11811 Hello, Mafia
11812 Innovative Procession Management
11813 Shopping
11814 Stack Machine
11815 Ideas
11816 HST
11817 Tunnelling the Earth
11818 Mouse & a Cheese lucky 貓
11819 Bisectors
11820 Warp Speed
11821 High-Precision Number
11822 Configurations
11823 Two Longest Paths
11824 A Minimum Land Price ruby 兔
11825 Hackers' Crackdown
11826 Shuffle
11827 Maximum GCD ruby 兔
11828 Palindrome Again
11829 L's in a Circle
11830 Contract Revision ruby 兔
11831 Sticker Collector Robot ruby 兔
11832 Account Book
11833 Route Change
11834 Elevator ruby 兔
11835 Formula 1
11836 Star War
11837 Musical Plagiarism
11838 Come and Go lucky 貓
11839 Optical Reader ruby 兔
11840 Tic-tac-toe
11841 Y-game
11842 Flatland
11843 Guessing Game
11844 The Melding Plague
11845 Preferential Romance
11846 Finding Seats Again
11847 Cut The Silver Bar
11848 Cargo Trains
11849 CD ruby 兔
11850 Alaska ruby 兔
11851 Celebrity Split
11852 Knight's Trip
11853 Paintball
11854 Egypt ruby 兔
11855 Buzzwords
11856 Ferry Loading V
11857 Driving Range
11858 Frosh Week
11859 Division Game
11860 Document Analyzer
11861 Explosion
11862 Airbus vs Boeing
11863 Prime Game
11864 Probability Calculation
11865 Stream My Contest
11866 Triangle
11867 Politeness
11868 Game of Blocks
11869 SOAP Response
11870 Antonyms
11871 New Land
11872 Where to Run
11873 Gift Packing
11874 Travel Company
11875 Brick Game

lucky 貓
11876 N + NOD (N) 1.5 Ad hoc, Binary Search, STL Upper Bound lucky 貓
11877 The Coco-Cola Store 1.0 Cola, Ad hoc, Math ruby 兔
11878 Homework Checker 1.5 String Manipulation, Parse ruby 兔
11879 Multiple of 17 lucky 貓
11880 Ball in a Rectangle
11881 Internal Rate of Return
11882 Biggest Number
11883 Repairing a Road
11884 A Shooting Game
11885 Number of Battlefields
11886 Infinite Dictionaries
11887 Tetrahedrons and Spheres
11888 Abnormal 89's
11889 Benefit ruby 兔
11890 Calculus Simplified
11891 Deep in Jungles
11892 ENimEN
11893 Fabulous DAGy
11894 Genius MJ
11895 Honorary Tickets
11896 Inglorious Gangs
11897 Jingling Dominoes
11898 Killer Problem
11899 Writing the Whole pi
119 - Volume CXIX
題號 標題 難度 參考解題方向 備註
11900 Boiled Eggs ruby 兔
11901 Ellipse Hazard
11902 Dominator ruby 兔
11903 e-Friends
11904 One Unit Machine
11905 Map Coloring
11906 Knight in a War Grid
11907 Collision of Bacteria
11908 Skyscraper ruby 兔
11909 Soya Milk lucky 貓
11910 Closest Fractions
11911 Farther or Closer
11912 Chutes and Ladders
11913 Tape Recording
11914 An Amazing Race ruby 兔
11915 Recurrence
11916 Emoogle Grid
11917 Do Your Own Homework ruby 兔
11918 Traveler of Gridland
11919 Hybrid Salientia
11920 0 s, 1 s and ? Marks ruby 兔
11921 Save the Princess
11922 Permutation Transformer ruby 兔
11923 Roundabout
11924 Unlock the Winning Pot
11925 Generating Permutations ruby 兔
11926 Multitasking ruby 兔
11927 Games Are Important
11928 The Busy Dog
11929 Ambiguous Forests
11930 Rectangles
11931 Maze Escape
11932 Net Profit
11933 Splitting Numbers ruby 兔
11934 Magic Formula ruby 兔
11935 Through the Desert ruby 兔
11936 The Lazy Lumberjacks 1.0 Ad hoc, Triangle lucky 貓
11937 Balanced ScoreCard
11938 Granny Pie Factory
11939 Landing Navigation
11940 Face the Maze
11941 Creating a Quadtree
11942 Lumberjack Sequencing 1.0 Ad hoc, Comparison operation lucky 貓
11943 The heart flu
11944 $ 10 to Win?
11945 Financial Management ruby 兔
11946 Code Number lucky 貓
11947 Cancer or Scorpio lucky 貓
11948 Reading a Quadtree
11949 Calculating IRR ruby 兔
11950 Neverland
11951 Area
11952 Arithmetic ruby 兔
11953 Battleships ruby 兔
11954 Binary Calculator
11955 Binomial Theorem lucky 貓
11956 Brainfuck lucky 貓
11957 Checkers lucky 貓
11958 Coming Home ruby 兔
11959 Dice lucky 貓
11960 Divisor Game lucky 貓
11961 DNA ruby 兔
11962 DNA II ruby 兔
11963 Emigration
11964 Equation
11965 Extra Spaces ruby 兔
11966 Galactic Bonding ruby 兔
11967 Hic-Hac-Hoe
11968 In The Airport ruby 兔
11969 LAMApbo
11970 Lucky Numbers ruby 兔
11971 Polygon
11972 Round Trip
11973 Sierpinski Carpet
11974 Switch The Lights
11975 Tele-loto
11976 Time Deposit
11977 Story of Tomisu Ghost ruby 兔
11978 Fukushima Nuclear Blast
11979 Hamming Base ruby 兔
11980 Mad Scientist
11981 Corrupted Friendship
11982 Fantasy Cricket
11983 Weird Advertisement
11984 A Change in Thermal Unit 1.0 Ad hoc, Math lucky 貓
11985 Prime Independence
11986 Save from Radiation lucky 貓
11987 Almost Union-Find lucky 貓
11988 Broken Keyboard (a.k.a. Beiju Text) lucky 貓
11989 Cake Cutting
11990 ``Dynamic'' Inversion
11991 Easy Problem from Rujia Liu? lucky 貓
11992 Fast Matrix Operations
11993 Girls' Celebration
11994 Happy Painting!
11995 I Can Guess the Data Structure! lucky 貓
11996 Jewel Magic
11997 K Smallest Sums lucky 貓
11998 Rujia Liu loves Wario Land!
11999 Unlock

