題目清單 12000 - 12999

120 - Volume CXX
題號 標題 難度 參考解題方向 備註
12000 K-Transformed Permutations
12001 UVa Panel Discussion ruby 兔
12002 Happy Birthday ruby 兔
12003 Array Transformer ruby 兔
12004 Bubble Sort lucky 貓
12005 Find Solutions ruby 兔
12006 Paint Brush
12007 Crossboard Coloring
12008 Emotional Bishop
12009 Avaricious Maryanna
12010 Boring Homework
12011 Complete the Set
12012 Detection of Extraterrestrial
12013 Entertainment
12014 Fudan Extracurricular Lives
12015 Google is Feeling Lucky ruby 兔
12016 Herbicide
12017 Imitation
12018 Juice Extractor
12019 Doom's Day Algorithm 1.0 Ad-hoc, Math, Date problem lucky 貓
12020 The Election Day
12021 Universal Elections
12022 Ordering T-shirts ruby 兔
12023 Escher and Tessellations
12024 Hats ruby 兔
12025 Wrong Keys
12026 Radars
12027 Very Big Perfect Squares ruby 兔
12028 A Gift from the Setter ruby 兔
12029 Flying Spaceships
12030 Help the Winners
12031 Summation of Four Squares
12032 The Monkey and the Oiled Bamboo ruby 兔
12033 Game of CS
12034 Race ruby 兔
12035 War Map
12036 Stable Grid ruby 兔
12037 Musical Chair
12038 Batting Practice
12039 Goldbach's Cardinality
12040 Again Lucky Numbers
12041 BFS (Binary Fibonacci String) ruby 兔
12042 Colorful Eggs
12043 Divisors

ruby 兔
12044 Extreme Divisors
12045 Fun with Strings
12046 Great Numbers
12047 Highest Paid Toll
12048 Inhabitants
12049 Just Prune The List ruby 兔
12050 Palindrome Numbers
12051 Mazes in Higher Dimensions
12052 Cyber cafe
12053 Unbreakable Floor
12054 Find the Project
12055 Strange Research
12056 Circle Strafing
12057 Prefix Codes
12058 Highway Monitor
12059 Volume Measurement
12060 All Integer Average
12061 Overlaying Maps
12062 Reverse Assignment
12063 Zeros and Ones
12064 Count the Points Inside
12065 Permutation Primes
12066 The Fairy Tale of ICPC
12067 Guinea Rats
12068 Harmonic Mean ruby 兔
12069 Robots inside the Labyrinth
12070 Invite Your Friends
12071 Understanding Recursion
12072 Matrissor
12073 Altitude Triangle
12074 The Ultimate Bamboo Eater
12075 Counting Triangles
12076 Unequalled Consumption
12077 Declaration of Content
12078 Laserbox
12079 Bowlstack
12080 Pesky Heroes
12081 Reduced ID Numbers
12082 Tantrix
12083 Guardian of Decency
12084 Up the Stairs
12085 Mobile Casanova
12086 Potentiometers
12087 Collecting Marbles
12088 Expression
12089 The Luncheon
12090 Counting Zeroes
12091 Multiplication
12092 Paint the Roads
12093 Protecting Zonk
12094 Battle of the Triangle
12095 Sudoku
12096 The SetStack Computer
12097 Pie
12098 Ticket to Ride
12099 The Bookcase
121 - Volume CXXI
題號 標題 難度 參考解題方向 備註
12100 Printer Queue
12101 Prime Path
12102 Lineland's Airport
12103 Leonardo's Notebook
12104 A Rod in a Path
12105 Bigger is Better
12106 Collapse!!
12107 Digit Puzzle
12108 Extraordinarily Tired Students
12109 Fairies' Defence
12110 Gargoyle
12111 Hidden Music Score
12112 Iceman
12113 Overlapping Squares
12114 Bachelor Arithmetic
12115 Nested Squares
12116 The Dumb Grocer
12117 ACM Puzzles
12118 Inspector's Dilemma
12119 The Bells are Ringing
12120 Photographic Tour
12121 You are around me ...
12122 Infinite Matrix
12123 Magnetic Train Tracks
12124 Assemble
12125 March of the Penguins
12126 Containers
12127 Youth Hostel Dorm
12128 Escape from Enemy Territory
12129 Flight Safety
12130 Summits
12131 Obfuscation
12132 Tower Parking
12133 Walk
12134 Find the Format String
12135 Switch Bulbs
12136 Schedule of a Married Man
12137 Puzzles of Triangles
12138 Chemical Plant
12139 Clicking Checkboxes
12140 Magic Rings
12141 Line Chart
12142 Mobile Tower
12143 Stopping Doom's Day
12144 Almost Shortest Path
12145 Bases
12146 Candy
12147 DNA Sequences
12148 Electricity
12149 Feynman 1.0 Math, Summation lucky 貓
12150 Pole Position
12151 Higgs Boson
12152 Traveling Shoemaker Problem
12153 Bora Bora
12154 Shrinking Polygons
12155 ASCII Diamondi
12156 Match Maker
12157 Tariff Plan
12158 Irreducible Fractions
12159 Gun Fight
12160 Unlock the Lock
12161 Ironman Race in Treeland
12162 Shooting the Monster
12163 Addition-Subtraction Game
12164 The Great Game
12165 Triangle Hazard
12166 Equilibrium Mobile
12167 Proving Equivalences
12168 Cat vs. Dog
12169 Disgruntled Judge
12170 Easy Climb
12171 Sculpture
12172 Matchsticks
12173 White Water Rafting
12174 Shuffle
12175 Videopoker
12176 Bring Your Own Horse
12177 First Knight
12178 Postal Charges
12179 Randomly-priced Tickets
12180 The Game
12181 The Merchant Guild
12182 Toll Road
12183 Top Secret
12184 Transcribed Books
12185 Wizards
12186 Another Crisis
12187 Brothers
12188 Code Lock
12189 Dinner Hall
12190 Electric Bill
12191 File Recover
12192 Grapevine
12193 Hooligan
12194 Isosceles Triangles
12195 Jingle Composing
12196 Klingon Levels
12197 Trick or Treat
12198 Working at the Restaurant
12199 Lights
122 - Volume CXXII
題號 標題 難度 參考解題方向 備註
12200 Darts
12201 Genetics
12202 Haunted Graveyard
12203 Slalom
12204 Routing
12205 Happy Telephones
12206 Stammering Aliens
12207 That is Your Queue
12208 How Many Ones Needed? lucky 貓
12209 Foot Notes
12210 A Match Making Problem
12211 Games of Block
12212 Password Remembering
12213 Camera in the Museum
12214 Traffic Jam
12215 Rectangle of Permutation
12216 How Many bases?
12217 Integer Game
12218 An Industrial Spy
12219 Common Subexpression Elimination
12220 Divisible Subsequences
12221 Fractal
12222 Mountain Road
12223 Moving to Nuremberg
12224 Room Assignments
12225 Settlers of Catan
12226 Simple Polygon
12227 Wormholes
12228 Assembling Services
12229 Box Relations
12230 Crossing Rivers
12231 Download Manager
12232 Exclusive-OR
12233 Final Combat
12234 Gift Hunting
12235 Help Bubu
12236 In a Crazy City
12237 Jiajia's Robot
12238 Ants Colony
12239 Bingo!
12240 Cocircular Points
12241 Digits Count
12242 Electric Needs
12243 Flowers Flourish from France 1.0 Ad hoc, Count letter
12244 Growing Strings
12245 Hyperactive Girl
12246 Ingenious Metro
12247 Jollo
12248 Kids' Wishes
12249 Overlapping Scenes
12250 Language Detection 1.0 String ZeroJudge
12251 Scientific Experiment
12252 ABCD Tiles
12253 Simple Encryption
12254 Electricity Connection
12255 Underwater Snipers
12256 Making Quadrilaterals
12257 The Queue
12258 Air Pollution Problem
12259 Fair Division
12260 Free Goodies
12261 High Score
12262 Hill Driving
12263 Rankings
12264 Risk
12265 Selling Land
12266 Stock Prices
12267 Telephone Network
12268 Wormly
12269 Lawn mower
12270 Periodic points
12271 Comparing answers
12272 Fake scoreboard
12273 Palindromic DNA
12274 Jumping monkey
12275 Sensor network
12276 Assembly line
12277 Locks and keys
12278 3-sided dice
12279 Emoogle Balance 1.0 Ad hoc, Loop
12280 A Digital Satire of Digital Age
12281 Hyper Box
12282 OmniGravity
12283 Halloween Costumes
12284 Digital Matrix
12285 Knockout Tournaments
12286 Optimal Store
12287 Network Flow
12288 Hyper Knights
12289 One-Two-Three 1.0 Brute force lucky 貓
12290 Counting Game
12291 Polyomino Composer
12292 Polyomino Decomposer
12293 Box Game 2.5 DP, Game theory lucky 貓
12294 RPG battles
12295 Optimal Symmetric Paths
12296 Pieces and Discs
12297 Super Poker
12298 Super Poker II
12299 RMQ with Shifts
123 - Volume CXXIII
題號 標題 難度 參考解題方向 備註
12300 Smallest Regular Polygon
12301 An Angular Puzzle
12302 Nine-Point Circle
12303 Composite Transformations
12304 2D Geometry 110 in 1!
12305 Polishing a Extruded Polygon
12306 My SketchUp
12307 Smallest Enclosing Rectangle
12308 Smallest Enclosing Box
12309 A Strange Opera House II
12310 Point Location
12311 All-Pair Farthest Points
12312 Bounding Volume Hierarchy
12313 A Tiny Raytracer
12314 The Cleaning Robot
12315 The Starflyer Agents
12316 Sewing Buttons with Grandma
12317 Document Compression
12318 Digital Roulette
12319 Edgetown's Traffic Jams
12320 Flight Control
12321 Gas Stations
12322 Handgun Shooting Sport
12323 Inspecting Radars
12324 Philip J. Fry Problem
12325 Zombie's Treasure Chest
12326 Yummy Triangular Pizza
12327 Xavier is Learning to Count
12328 Winmine.exe
12329 Very Boring Homework
12330 Universal Question Answering System
12331 Triangles and Quadrangle
12332 Share the Cakes
12333 Revenge of Fibonacci
12334 Quelling Blade
12335 Lexicographic Order
12336 Knights in the Zombie Land
12337 Bob's Beautiful Balls
12338 Anti-Rhyme Pairs
12339 Help Hermione
12340 Integer Grouping
12341 Next to Never
12342 Tax Calculator
12343 Strange Simulation
12344 Jewel Transportation
12345 Dynamic len(set(a[L:R]))
12346 Water Gate Management
12347 Binary Search Tree
12348 Fun Coloring
12349 Twin Apparent Primes!!
12350 Queen Game
12351 Spelling Suggestion
12352 Coalescing Continents
12353 Fence Making
12354 Paths in a Tree
12355 Consecutive Sums
12356 Army Buddies
12357 Ball Stacking
12358 Candy's Candy
12359 Diccionario Portunol
12360 Elecrical Pollution
12361 File Retrieval
12362 Garden Fence
12363 Hedge Mazes
12364 In Braille
12365 Jupiter Atacks!
12366 King's Poker
12367 Binary Matrix
12368 Candles
12369 Cards
12370 Game of Connect
12371 Guards
12372 Packing for Holiday
12373 Pair of Touching Circles
12374 Treasure Hunt
12375 Truchet Tiling
12376 As Long as I Learn, I Live
12377 Number Coding
12378 Ball Blasting Game
12379 Central Post Office
12380 Glimmr in Distress
12381 Our Fair Contest!
12382 Grid of Lamps
12383 The Game
12384 Span
12385 Interesting Sequences
12386 Smallest Polygon
12387 Alphabet Soup
12388 Coin Collecting
12389 Cybercrime Donut Investigation
12390 Distributing Ballot Boxes
12391 Game, Set and Match
12392 Guess the Numbers
12393 Non-negative Partial Sums
12394 Peer Review
12395 Regular Convex Polygon
12396 Remoteland
12397 Roman Numerals
12398 NumPuzz I
12399 NumPuzz II
124 - Volume CXXIV
題號 標題 難度 參考解題方向 備註
12400 3, 2, 1, 0
12401 Metal Powers
12402 Parallel Missions
12403 Save Setu
12404 Trapezium Drawing
12405 Scarecrow lucky 貓
12406 Help Dexter lucky 貓
12407 Speed Zones
12408 Multi Round Matches
12409 Kisu Pari Na - 1
12410 Disable the Wand
12411 A Dangerous Maze (II)
12412 A Typical Homework (a.k.a Shi Xiong Bang Bang Mang)
12413 Big Decimal Calculator
12414 Calculating Yuan Fen lucky 貓
12415 Digit Patterns
12416 Excessive Space Remover lucky 貓
12417 Formula Editor
12418 Game of 999
12419 Heap Manager
12420 Item-Based Recommendation
12421 (Jiandan) Mua (I) - Lexical Analyzer
12422 (Kengdie) Mua (II) - Expression Evaluator
12423 (Last) Mua(III) - Full Interpreter
12424 Answering Queries on a Tree
12425 Best Friend
12426 Counting Triangles
12427 Donkey of the Sultan
12428 Enemy at the Gates
12429 Finding Magic Triplets
12430 Grand Wedding
12431 Happy 10/9 Day
12432 Inked Carpets
12433 Rent a Car
12434 Infinite Stable Integer
12435 Consistent Verdicts
12436 Rip Van Winkle's Code
12437 Kisu Pari Na 2
12438 Farey Polygon
12439 February 29 1.5 Ad hoc, Date problem lucky 貓
12440 Save the Trees
12441 Superb Sequence
12442 Forwarding Emails lucky 貓
12443 Quad
12444 Bits and Pieces
12445 Happy 12
12446 How Many... in 3D!
12447 Pieces and Bits
12448 Casino Advantage
12449 Night Market
12450 SpaceRecon Tournament
12451 Let's call SPaDe a SPaDe
12452 Plants vs. Zombies HD SP
12453 Simulating Billiard Ball
12454 Plan B for next SWERC
12455 Bars lucky 貓
12456 Mirror codes
12457 Tennis contest
12458 Oh, my trees!
12459 Bees' ancestors 2.0 DP, Fibonacci number lucky 貓
12460 Careful teacher
12461 Airplane lucky 貓
12462 Rectangle
12463 Little Nephew
12464 Professor Lazy, Ph.D.
12465 The Turanga Leela Problem
12466 Ancestors
12467 Secret Word
12468 Zapping 1.0 Ad-hoc, Min-max lucky 貓
12469 Stones
12470 Tribonacci
12471 Association of Strings
12472 Binary Substring
12473 Common Palindrome
12474 Draw and Score
12475 Elliptic Athletics Track
12476 Fun with Binary Tree
12477 Good Measures of Dispersion
12478 Hardest Problem Ever (Easy)
12479 Interesting Route
12480 Just Some Permutations
12481 K-Neutral Rectangles
12482 Short Story Competition
12483 Toboggan of Marbles
12484 Cards
12485 Perfect Choir
12486 Space Elevator
12487 Midnight Cowboy
12488 Start Grid
12489 Combating cancer
12490 Integral
12491 Words
12492 Rubik Cycle
12493 Stars
12494 Distinct Substring
12495 'C' for Count
12496 Fisherman's Dilemma
12497 Chatgaiya Postman Problem
12498 Ant's Shopping Mall
12499 I am Dumb 3

